Factoring Canada

Cash flow keeps your business moving. If you don’t keep your operation supplied and your people paid, your whole company comes to a screeching stop. Let first financial factoring show you how our 50 years of experience in factoring canada can give you a dependable cash flow even when your clients are a little slow to pay.
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You’ve got orders to fill and projects to complete.

You can’t get paid if you don’t deliver the goods, and you can’t deliver the goods if you can’t pay suppliers. Meeting the requirements of business is tough—especially when you have to wait for the money to come in before you can move forward. When clients take an average of 40 days to pay their invoices (sometimes much longer), you can quickly find yourself in a tight spot. Bills for raw materials, payroll, equipment payments, maintenance, compliance upgrades and warehousing fees can’t wait for checks that may or may not be in the mail.

Neither can you.

That’s why you need our Factoring Canada Services insider like First Financial Factoring to give your company the flexibility and stability that comes from a steady, predictable cash flow.

Are you a new startup? A two man operation? Or a major corporation? For five decades, we’ve delivered for companies like yours. Automotive, high tech, medical equipment, and consumer product makers, along with service providers, retailers and wholesales of every kind have all managed their accounts receivable through First Financial Factoring—with outstanding results.

It’s so easy to get started. You can get funded in 3 to 5 business days. That’s instant cash flow in under a week. Remember the last time you waited over 45 days for a single invoice to get paid?

Top 10

Check out the top 10 reasons more trucking and
freight companies choose us:

1. More cash flow.

Compared to other financial institutions, First Financial Factoring has unique experience in trucking that enables us to get better terms and pass them on to you.  Bottom line, we charge you the lowest rates and deliver the best advance rates in the business.

2. Greater loyalty.

Drivers and owner-operators who get paid on time deliver better and more consistent service to your customers. Your financial reliability to them means having a team that will watch your back.

3. More time.

When you can forget about chasing down invoices, juggling payments and generally sweating the financials, you can concentrate on how to take your freight business to the next level.

4. Fewer bad debt expenses

Our careful screening and approval of your customer’s credit means you never pick up a load until you know payment will be there.

5. Getter credit.

With factoring, your company incurs no debt. Your balance sheet looks good to other financiers and that improved credit rating leads you to develop your trucking operation however you see fit.

6. Increased sales.

The flexibility that our reliable cash flow provides you the power to expand your business a little or a lot and bring in more revenue.

7. Less hassle.

No more collection agencies. No more tough-to-make client calls. One of our professionals will be dedicated to managing all your open invoices.

8. More loads and better routes

When you can afford to work with bigger organizations who tend to require 30 to 45 day payment schedules, those high paying brokers and shippers give you more business and better terms.

9. Less wasted money.

A predictable cash flow that covers your daily expenses like diesel, repairs, and permits, helps avoid costly fines, penalties and bank overdrafts.

10. More know-how.

50 years on the job with every conceivable kind of trucking company gives First Financial Factoring the background to make things go faster and smoother, keep your customers happier, and bring you greater value every day.